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The Never-Ending Bookshelf

I was born with a reading list I will never finish.

Currently reading

Daughter of Dusk (Midnight Thief)
Livia Blackburne
Empire of Shadows
Miriam Forster

Siege and Storm

Siege and Storm - Leigh Bardugo I was really happy with this. The second book in a trilogy typically annoys me but this was well done. Most of the time there is so much character building that the plot doesn't move forward at all and the pacing gets slowed down too much. But here the pacing was still quick and the characters were build through the events rather than just long passages of explanation and conversations.

I am really excited for the third book.

Red and Her Wolf

Red and Her Wolf - Marie Hall These are such great stories. I am loving this series. I have yet to find any of these characters annoying or irritating. Marie has done a great job at writing stories that pull me in quickly and make me care about the characters.

Gerard's Beauty

Gerard's Beauty - Marie Hall This was adorable. Gerard was awesome and exactly what I wanted. Betty was the perfect match for him and their story was so sweet.

Definitely looking forward to the rest of the series.


Splintered  - A.G. Howard I was surprised about my reaction to this book. I really thought I would love it and, at first, I did. I love retellings that really twist the source material. I was excited for a darker, more demented Wonderland. Everything in the beginning seemed to be pointing that direction so I was absorbed into the book.

Al, though, was a big drawback for me. She was always wondering why everyone wanted to protect her but then showed, at every opportunity, that she couldn’t take care of herself. And when we finally got to Wonderland (the the love triange, yawn) I was just annoyed with her. The back and forth between Morpheus and Jeb was exhausting to read. And Wonderland wasn’t nearly dark enough to make up for how helpless Al was. And even with her being madly in love with Jeb she ignored his advice every time and was so quick to doubt him with almost no provocation.

Also, at every turn where Al could have shown growth or been able to save herself/learn how to accomplish something she suddenly remembers something Morpheus taught her and magically escapes without doing anything of importance. All her little tests were flubbed through….and this was supposed to be trials to become queen. I know Morpheus orchestrated the whole thing but at some point I expected her to grow a pair and start figuring things out her way.

The final “showdown” was a letdown for me. There was just nothing really to it and it left me thinking that, yet again, Al didn’t really do much to protect herself. She stood there and was “strong” enough to prevent full scale possession by a ghost of Red but she was still waiting for Morpheus to save her and whining about how he was abandoning her.

I liked Morpheus and Jeb. They were fun to get to know and their interactions were entertaining. I just would have liked this book a lot more without Al. I don’t think I will continue the series. I can’t bear to read about Al and her tantrums/whining/oh-poor-me nonsense anymore.

Rebel Spring

Rebel Spring - Morgan Rhodes This was a good follow up to the first in the series. Normally the second book annoys me since it generally doesn't move the plot along quickly or reveal anything of interest. This was different though.

I thought this was well written and the characters were as interesting as before. I was surprised to see Magnus growing on me a bit since he didn't do that for me in the first of the series. Lucia though is still bland and annoying to me.

I am looking forward to continuing the series and seeing where Rhodes takes this. Should be an interesting adventure.

Shadow and Bone

Shadow and Bone - Leigh Bardugo Wow. That was amazing.

I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this book but I am happily surprised. Alina was a wonderful character. She was easy to relate to and I liked that she had real hardship in her life. I never saw her as weak even when she wasn’t Grisha and when her body was lacking pure strength. She was always a strong character for me that was navigating strange new waters. Her reactions to the plot were realistic and easy to understand. Even as I thought she was making a bad choice I was able to recognize that it was the same choice most would make in that position.

The Darkling was perfectly evil. He was everything a villain should be and more. He was seductive and terrifying and precisely what a great villain should be. The true evil is never in the monsters that are easy to spot….it is in the hidden places of a corrupted soul. He made the book so much better by being so well written and horrible.

Genya was a tough character for me. She was a great friend at times but she always seemed to be a friend so she could be close to power. It always seemed to be about herself. I understand why Alina grew close to her but I can’t say I was surprised by Genya’s actions later. She was always looking out for herself before anyone else…even at the risk of the nation.

Mal was also a bit tough for me. I understand why Alina would feel so close to him and have those feelings but for the first half of the book I didn’t really care about him. It was later, when he found her, that I started really paying attention to him. It just seemed to me that he, all the sudden, realized he loves her right after she becomes beautiful and powerful. Maybe the later books will help me like him more…but as it stands he is not my favorite character. Maybe I am not being fair…the whole book followed Alina so we don’t get much of Mal’s story during that time…but he just hasn’t grabbed my heart yet.

The Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy

The Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy - Laini Taylor Overall this was a good series.

The last book really didn't do it for me though. So only three stars. If it hadn't been for all the Akiva/Karou turmoil that just never stopped this probably would have been four stars. As much as I liked those characters I wish the author had spent more time developing others (like Liraz) since they become so important later.

Dreams of Gods & Monsters

Dreams of Gods & Monsters - Laini Taylor Well. I loved the first books in the series but this one just didn't hit the spot.

I still loved the characters individually but most of the interactions got bland very quickly. Akiva and Karou were the worst offenders for me. Up until this book their story was worth caring about. But in this one they just seemed to be repeating the same thing over and over and over. At some point you just expect them to get on with it already.

Mik and Zuzana were fabulous. I loved their interactions and how they worked together. They are the shining star of this book for me. Liraz and Ziri were cute but it seemed a little contrived for Liraz to make such a leap so quickly.

The Stelians were mostly annoying to me rather than powerful and selfless. The whole series was a lead up to the Stelians and Akiva and yet when it happened I felt nothing for him or them. They seemed too cold to be the caretakers of the world.

I think a major problem for me here was that they shoved so much into one book. The first two were well paced and contained enough plot to keep you interested without distracting you. This had the continuation of Akiva and Karou, the continuation of Mik and Zuzana, the whole of Liraz and Ziri, Eliza, the Stelians, the climax to Jael, all the historical catch-up, Scarab and Carnassian (though thankfully that was short), Grandma, Loramendi, etc. It seemed to be too much.

Even with all that the ending to me was unsatisfying. I was more interested, toward the end, about the next war to come than I even was about the current war that was happening. The story that wasn’t told (the only part that wasn’t shoved into this book) was the creation of the godstars and that was what I wanted most.

Falling Kingdoms

Falling Kingdoms - Morgan Rhodes, Michelle Rowen I liked this quite a lot. I think the plot has a wide scope with interesting and well thought-out characters.

Cleo drove me a little nuts for the first portion of the book. She was young and immature and a lot whiny. I was hoping that her growth would be quicker than most books and I am glad that I wasn't disappointed.

I think I was supposed to feel some sympathy for Magnus but I just couldn't summon any. Lucia, at first, I liked. But as it became obvious that she would only do as told, even with limitless power, she began to annoy me. The whole relationship between Magnus and Lucia was tiresome. But ultimately necessary to the story. A book is made as much by a good villain as by a strong hero. I think these two, along with their father, will prove to me a powerful enemy to the others as the books progress.

Jonas I absolutely loved. He was loyal and cunning and relatable. In his shoes his actions were understandable, even as they related to Cleo. He went from the uncontrollable rage that would lead to his demise to formulating a plan to not only achieve vengeance but also better his country. I think his goals were admirable even as they were so large. I liked that he didn’t lose sight of himself completely and remained wary as things progressed. Especially at the end, when he realized that he needs Cleo even if he still hates her. He is putting his priorities in order and has quickly become my favorite.

Emilia, though, I was not sad to read the story of her life throughout this book. She was the loving sister willing to do what was necessary to fulfill her duty. It was a little boring and predictable. She never really captured my attention. Her only purpose for me was to show the growth of Cleo, she never stood out as a full character, just a side note.
Theon, well, Theon was as predictable as they come but well written. I think some of these characters were a little see-though. I could tell the path his story would take from the first meeting and wasn’t surprised by it at all.
I do like this book. More for the groundwork that has been laid for the future of the series than for any particular aspect of this one novel. I think there is enough history and scope here to create a very rich series. I look forward to the remaining books.

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August - Claire North This just never grabbed me. The idea was great and original but the execution left me empty. I wanted to care about the character and the intrigue and the story but I was just never invested into.

It seemed like the years jumped around too much for me. Keeping straight which life was which and the order of things was annoying. It would have been fine to go out of order. But years were left unfinished while the story moved on and then, suddenly, you were back. I wanted a little more of a linear arch to the plot that wouldn't make me feel like I should be taking notes.

Days of Blood & Starlight

Days of Blood & Starlight - Laini Taylor Holy crap. I am loving Karou's journey. I was up and down all throughout this book. I wanted to cry with her and despair and laugh and fight. I love that she is finding herself and carrying herself through this journey without simply running into the arms of a man. She is young and scared but also brave and willing to make sacrifices.

I am a little tired of the shame and back-and-forth nature of her feelings for Akiva. I don't think he deserves all the hatred and anger she has brewing for him. His journey is as fulfilling as Karou's. He is learning how to be more than what he was bred to be. And willing to make hard choices. (Hazael broke my heart though) I am just growing weary of both Akiva and Karou as far as the self loathing goes and the constant berating of themselves.

Jael.....damn you Jael. I hate you Jael.

I am very interested to see how the story plays out as far as Ten and the White Wolf. And what happens with the Dominion. This should be fun!

Daughter of Smoke & Bone

Daughter of Smoke & Bone - Laini Taylor Wow...just wow. That was awesome.

The whole story is so full and the characters are complete. You feel for all of them. It was original and gripping.

Akiva was a great, tortured character that I wanted to root for. Karou was strong and independent without being obnoxious. A pair of great characters to fit the plot. Brimstone was such a great character along with Issa and even Kishmish. I loved Kishmish and the subtlety of his interactions.

I have to get my hands on the next one.

The Dollhouse Asylum

The Dollhouse Asylum - Mary Gray I just can't keep going. I have been trying to read this for months. Every time I pick it up I end up getting pissed off within a chapter or two and putting it down again.

There are so many things that I didn't care for, and nothing that was really keeping my interest. So why waste time on a book that just isn't for me.

One of my biggest problems is how immature the lead character is. She runs around talking about how in love she is and slut/fat shaming everyone else. Even as she starts to figure out what is going on she still acts like the people around her have a choice in their clothing or behavior. Utterly annoying.

Frankly, I just don't care what happens. I don't care about the characters. There was no connection for me...so I am moving on.


Devoured - Michelle Hughes It just keeps getting worse....but apparently I am a glutton for punishment because I actually finished this series. Thank god it was short. In my defense... I wasn;t ready to take on the emotional committment of a new book or series with more substance. I was looking for a cheap thrill. I just didn't get it with this series. Too bad I am horrible at cutting my losses and moving on in the middle of a series/book.


Seduced - Michelle Hughes I don't know why I kept reading this series after the first one. The main character was annoying and too childish for the plot. And the plot itself was a bit too much of a stretch.

I will suspend my disbelief for this genre in most cases but this was a bit much. Not one, not two or even three, but four billionaires all obsessed with the same chick. Add in the usual tropes of her not understanding her beauty and fearing her sexuality....blah, blah, blah.

Why did I keep reading.

Fantasy's Bar & Grill Trilogy

Fantasy's Bar & Grill Trilogy - Michelle Hughes Just not my cup of tea. Too silly and the main characters all ended up pissing me off in the end. They were all so indecisive and pathetic really.

This was chock full of all the things I hate about this genre. And there wasn't enough originality or heat to cover it up.