I really enjoyed this. The whole perspective was new for me. The idea of focusing on the villain was a great approach to a story that could have been bland and done too many times.
I loved Adelina. She was broken and flawed and not some perfect, beautiful angel in hiding. She had real emotions that a normal person would feel after the childhood that she had. I loved that she didn't pretend forgiveness and virtue but recognized the darkness inside and reveled in it.
Enzo got on my nerves some throughout the book but overall I thought he was a good character. He helped to explore Adelina more by pushing some boundaries and making her feel different things. I loved the character of Raffaele but I wasn't too surprised at his behavior in the end. It seemed to be leading that way as her trust for him grew. The other Young Elite characters never really popped for me, probably because the time was focused on Adelina and Enzo. I hope that these characters are developed more as the series progresses.
Teren. What can I say about Teren. I loved him. He was a great nemesis for Adelina and her sister to have. He was properly evil and twisted and had everything the story needed. The connection to the Elites and to Enzo just made him better for me. It explained his actions so well to compare his life with Enzo and the paths each took after the blood fever.
I am really looking forward to the next book!